Emotional Salary for Leaders & Organisations
Using our research, work and experience in Emotional Salary, we enable leaders and organisations to reap the enormous gains that are at your fingertips when you integrate the emotional benefits your people get from their work into the way they think, act and behave at work, helping you to co-create a culture where people are motivated, engaged and performing to their full potential.
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For Trainers & Coaches
Complete our certification and training programmes to boost your professional toolbox of resources and become part of our global network of licensed Emotional Salary Barometer™ coaches and trainers.
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The Emotional Salary Barometer
Take our Emotional Salary Barometer™ to become aware of your Emotional Salary and start having meaningful conversations with your manager about what is important to you at work and make better decisions about your career development.
Find out more about the ESB
Emotional Salary Tools and Resources
If you are a leader, coach or trainer, we have a selection of ready-made workshops and some great free resources to help you take the first steps towards becoming aware of the power of Emotional Salary, or directly implementing Emotional Salary in your organisation or team.
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Our Quick Scan for Leaders
Take our free Quick Scan for Leaders to discover what is impacting the Emotional Salary in your team or organisation. The QuickScan will allow you to identify how four key strategic elements in your organisation (Brand, Culture, Leadership and People Management & Development Policies) might be affecting your employees’ Emotional Salary.
Our Quick Scan for Leaders
For students and researchers
Use the Emotional Salary Barometer™ as a tool in your research or studies. Our research around Emotional Salary has a high validity and high reliability, which means that it yields consistent results in repeated application and it accurately reflects what we hope to represent.
ESB for Research
Emotional Salary Mission
In Emotional Salary we want to transform the perception of work by supporting individuals and organisations in recognising the importance of Emotional Salary and its profound impact on organisational performance and employee wellbeing. 10 factors we consider in Emotional Salary
Based on our research into the non-economic or emotional benefits people derive from their work, at Emotional Salary, we have created the Emotional Salary Barometer™ – an online tool that measures the following 10 Emotional Salary factors:

Would you like to learn more about the Emotional Barometer factors in a fun and entertaining way? We invite you to play our two-level quiz game. You can play it alone or with colleagues or your team.
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