Emotional Salary is the non-financial or emotional gains we obtain from working that motivate us, change our perception of work and lead to personal and professional development.

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Building a Strong Foundation Culture

Building a Strong Foundation Culture

A process and activities to create a “Better Normal” for your team.

This pack contains a step-by-step guide together with all the materials and detailed instructions to run four workshops (in person or virtually) which will enable you and your team to:

  • Identify what the team has learnt in relation to Culture during the Covid-19 situation and ensure that the positive and negative aspects are taken into account to help you move forward in the right direction;
  • Explore how the team feel the Culture is at the moment;
  • Understand what the team wants in relation to Culture in the future; and
  • Map out the steps that you and the team need to take to work towards shaping the Culture, ensuring that action is taken.


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